Stefan Becker is an Australian-trained Best Chiropractor in Barcelona with 27 years of experience, who specialises in gentle, comfortable techniques.

Pre Gym Shoulder Exercise

How To Protect Your Shoulders From Injury

A Pre-Gym Exercises To Protect Your Rotator Cuff Are you starting to get pain in the top or the side of your shoulder, especially with overhead exercises? Getting a bit worried about rotator cuff issues and shoulder impingement? Learn how to protect your shoulders with this important pre-gym exercise… If your shoulder blade is tilting…

Problemas de Hombro Centro Quiropráctico Barcelona

Shoulder Problems

Shoulder Problems and Chiropractic Shoulder problems are very common, and often serious, but the majority of shoulder issues are related to one simple concept that can be managed with the correct treatment. The shoulder is not a normal joint. Instead of a ball and cup, the shape of the shoulder is a ball and plate.…