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Dizziness And Vertigo

MAREOS Y VÉRTIGO Quiropractica barcelona chiropractor quiropraxia


Dizziness & Vertigo and Chiropractic

There are several causes of dizziness and vertigo (including stress, medication, low blood iron, low blood sugar levels, calcified pieces in the inner ear, dehydration, overheating, and more serious neurological causes) but a common cause is neck dysfunction (“cervicogenic vertigo”).

Part of the reason you know what position you are in when you close your eyes is because there are movement receptors (“proprioceptors”) in the joints and muscles of the body. There are a huge amount of these movement receptors in the spine and an incredible amount of them in your neck. When there is dysfunction in the neck, the cervical (neck) movement receptors can send conflicting information to the brain about your current position. This confuses the brain causing either a strange floating sensation (dizziness) or a spinning sensation (vertigo). It can be mild or severe.

The key to helping people with dizziness or vertigo is correct diagnosis. More serious causes need to be ruled out first. If it is determined that the neck is the cause, gentle mobilisation of the vertebrae to free them of the joint restriction that causes spinal dysfunction can do wonders in a short amount of time.


Common Causes of Spinal Problems