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Health & Well-Being. Can Chiropractic Help?



Chiropractic and Your Health & Well-Being.

Many people go to see a chiropractor to help with common, spinal-related problems such as lower back pain, neck pain, sciatica, disc protrusions, and headaches, but more and more people are realising that chiropractic is about so much more than just pain relief.

Every now and then, vertebrae in the spine get jammed up or restricted in a certain positions. These restrictions can last anywhere from hours to years, and they can cause irritation to the spinal nerves. The nerves in the spine don’t just carry pain messages, they carry every single message between your brain and your body. Your brain is like a computer and controls the whole body via these nerves, so when these nerves are affected it can affect your health and well-being.

Chiropractors free up these restricted vertebrae and reduce nerve irritation using mobilising techniques. Stefan specialises in very gentle techniques. Many of his clients initially come in for pain relief, but after discovering the health benefits of chiropractic, a lot of them choose to remain as a regular client to maintain their health in a natural, drug free way.


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