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The First Visit, What to Expect


What happens on the first visit at Sarrià Quiropráctica…

The first visit with Stefan consists of a discussion of your case, a full chiropractic examination, then an explanation of what the examination revealed, and finally treatment…

You will have the opportunity to explain your problem in your own words, then Stefan will ask many questions (eg. “How long have you have your complaint?”, “How often do you experience it?”, and “What aggravates it and relieves it?”).

The examination is gentle but extensive. Stefan will feel every joint in your back, see how you move in each direction, and do many tests to (i)diagnose your problem and (ii)ensure that treatment will be safe and comfortable.

Stefan will take the time to explain what is wrong, the likely causes, and what it needs to be corrected (including what you can do to help yourself).

Treatment usually involves gentle mobilisation of vertebrae that are restricted in positions that cause irritation. Stefan specialises in techniques that are gentle and comfortable. He will explain what he is going to do before doing anything and give you a very gentle example to make sure you are comfortable with each technique. There are no sudden, jerky motions, and “cracking joints” is not the aim. It feels more like a stretch of the joints in different directions to work them free.

You will also be given advice and exercises specific for your case, so that you can help your own progress. The more you can do for yourself, the less treatment is required.

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