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Headaches & Chiropractic.

dolores de cabeza centro quiropráctico Barcelona

Headaches & Chiropractic.

There are many causes of headaches, but one of the most common is cervicogenic headache—headache with an origin in the neck. The reason the neck is such a common cause of headaches is simple—the nerves that supply the head with sensation pass between the neck vertebrae and through the muscles of the neck before reaching the head, and these nerves are easily irritated by these structures.

Vertebrae of the neck often get jammed in a position that can irritate these nerves or tighten the local muscles. The most common causes of these restricted vertebrae are your sleeping position, or poor posture while sitting on a couch, in bed, or in front of a computer. Click here to see the most common causes of restricted vertebrae.

Chiropractic aims at correcting the underlying issue. Using gentle, specific mobilisation of the spine, chiropractors loosen vertebrae that are stuck in positions that cause irritation and headaches. Stefan specialises in techniques that are particularly gentle. You will receive exercises to help yourself too.