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Beds, Pillows and Sleeping Positions

Camas-AlmSleeping Positions and Barcelona Chiropractorohadas- Posturas para Dormir-centro-quiropractico-barcelona

Camas-Almohadas- Posturas para Dormir-centro-quiropractico-barcelona

Beds, Pillows & Sleeping Positions. So Important!

Beds, pillows and the positions you sleep in are frequent causes of spinal problems. We spend a third of our life in bed so it’s worth taking the time to get these factors right.

The key to a healthy night’s sleep is to keep your spinal in a natural, neutral position. When the spine is in a straight, neutral position, (like when you are standing, looking straight ahead, with good posture) the spinal joints sit of each other nicely. When you are out of the neutral position (bent forward, bent backward, bent to the side, or rotated) the joints are much more likely to become jammed or restricted in a position that causes nerve irritation.


The height of the pillow is the most important thing in pillows. The only material that is not recommended is feathers because the pillow loses its shape quickly when it is made of feathers. If you lie on your back a lot, ensure that the pillow is not too large. (eg. Using two pillows is not good for your neck.) If you lie on your side most of the time, getting the height of the pillow correct is very important. If the pillow is too high or too low your neck will be angled to one side all night.


Hard beds are not better! What is important is that the bed does not sag. If your bed is too soft, or too old, it can sag. When this happens, your spine is not supported in its natural, neutral position, so the joints can become jammed or restricted. In comparison, the spine can bend to the side all night if the bed is too hard and does not give enough under the shoulders and hips. If your bed is too hard, a “topper” can make a big difference.

Sleeping positions

Sleeping on your stomach is bad for your lower back (it arches too much) and bad for your neck (it twists to the side). Sleeping on your back is good so long as your neck does not roll and stay to one side. Some people need to have a pillow under their knees when they lie on their back because lying with your legs straight increases the arch of your lower back. Sleeping on your side is good if you bend your legs equally, but if you roll forward too much your neck will be rotated to the side which is a common cause of neck pain and headaches.

**Note: Sitting up in bed (reading or watching tv) is a VERY common cause of both back problems and neck problems. Don’t do it! You can read in bed by lying on your side.