dolores de cabeza centro quiropráctico Barcelona

Headaches & Chiropractic.

Headaches & Chiropractic. There are many causes of headaches, but one of the most common is cervicogenic headache—headache with an origin in the neck. The reason the neck is such a common cause of headaches is simple—the nerves that supply the head with sensation pass between the neck vertebrae and through the muscles of the…

Columna Vertebral Sana-Centro quiropráctico Barcelona

How to Keep Your Spine Healthy

Keep Your Spine Healthy… The single most important thing that you can do to help your spine is move. Movement flushes blood through the soft tissue, stretches local muscles, and breaks adhesions between local structures. It stimulates synovial cells in the joints between the vertebrae, which causes synovial fluid (a lubricant and source of nutrition)…

MAREOS Y VÉRTIGO Quiropractica barcelona chiropractor quiropraxia

Dizziness And Vertigo

Dizziness & Vertigo and Chiropractic There are several causes of dizziness and vertigo (including stress, medication, low blood iron, low blood sugar levels, calcified pieces in the inner ear, dehydration, overheating, and more serious neurological causes) but a common cause is neck dysfunction (“cervicogenic vertigo”). Part of the reason you know what position you are…